Having a Photo/Video Release for your event...
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Your event is going to be amazing, and you’re going to want to share it with the world, so you’ll want to have a Photo/Video Release that allows you to use any photos taken or videos recorded during the event. Typically it works like this. Mr. Smith purchases a ticket to your event, and in doing so, he has to agree to be photographed and recorded while at the event. Without agreeing to the release, he cannot acquire a ticket. By purchasing a ticket we can ensure that the attendees have agreed to the Photo/Video Release.

If it’s your first time doing an event, a Photo/Video Release release should be part of the process. It will allow you to do two things. First, it serves as a record of your event. It shows people doing things, interacting with others, learning, and hopefully having a good time. You’ll want to use these photos and recording to show that your event was successful and well attended. This is something sponsors tend to care about, and photos used in any sponsor wrap-up report should show the successes of the event. Second, the next time you have an event you’ll have some great photos to use from your last event. Often Maker events can be hard to describe to people who have never attended one, and sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.

[Link to part about using a “real”/talented photographer?]